Friday, August 12, 2011

My Vacation Trip- Back to the Future! (part 1)

Hi everyone! I just came back from a short vacation this week with my sister and my niece. It was exhausting yet fun vacation. I always love vacation, it gives me a chance to experience and learn something different. We planned this trip to visit our native province and relatives from our mother’s side that we haven’t seen in 27 years. Now let me tell you how my vacation was…

We left last Sunday. We were pretty early for the flight, so I guess we were really excited (yay!). There was an 1 hour 25 minute flight to Cebu, a 5 hour layover, a 40 minute flight to Tacloban City, and an almost 3 hour bus ride from Tacloban City-Javier.I slept for few minutes in all flights and had small snacks the rest of the time. , then we had to ride a “habal habal” to reach my relatives’ place that is 5 kilometers away. I will never forget how long the trip was. Did I just say “habal habal”? Me, ride a habal-habal. I just can't imagine myself riding one of the popular ways to get around in the land of the Philippines, but there was no other choice. It was scary because the driver was driving in full speed and had to endure a bumpy road with nothing to hold on to or balance myself with. I couldn’t wait till that ride was over. Getting off the habal-habal was all I could think of. You see, I am not the adventurous kind of person. I get scared of heights. I get scared of the deep waters (okay, I don’t swim). So it doesn’t come as a surprise that riding a motorcycle doesn’t appeal to me.

Anyways, the fear was transformed into excitement. Our aunts are already waiting for us outside their homes. They knew we were coming. It was around 8 o’ clock that we finally arrived and stayed at my uncle’s humble house. The dinner was a tasty pork adobo. We had some never ending chats with our uncle and aunts. We talked about the plan for the next day. My niece and I were so tired from carrying the entire luggage, so we politely asked to sleep ahead while my Ate was still chatting with them. There was no signal to call or text my hubby that time and no possible way to use my laptop because there was no internet connection as well. My niece and I were still arguing who’s going to sleep on what side of the bed. We were both scared to sleep near the window. We remembered hearing stories about “aswangs” abound in provinces where basic services such as electricity and mass media infrastructures are not yet available. I live in the city, so I was never predisposed to believe in Aswangs. We stopped scaring each other and tried to sleep in covered blankets (hehe!).

The morning after we had the best breakfast ever! Imagine dried fish with fried rice and hot native cacao chocolate drink (nom nom nom).

We were in full stomach when we went house to house visiting and introducing to relatives. Every house that we went to would offer us something to eat, that’s how warm the people there are. My uncle hired a habal-habal (oh no!) so we can go and visit our grandmother’s tomb, whom I don’t remember how she looked when she was still alive.

We went back to our uncle’s house where we had lunch. We had fried chicken with pancit and some types of sweet yam. They were also drinking “tuba” (alcoholic drink made from the collected juice from the coconut trees). We stayed for few hours but the sad weeping part was about to begin, the bidding farewell.There were many tears sad faces but we had to go back to Tacloban City so we won't miss our flight. We said goodbyes and left them with hugs and kisses necessary before we can meet them again. It was a short trip reunion and we will surely miss them.

To sum up, we had a blast. I think it's a nice idea if you have the chance to go on vacation and should include on visiting relatives especially those you have not seen for many years. It feels nicer to look back where you came from.Family bonds are the strongest relationships you will have throughout your life.
So that is the first part of my vacation. Hope you had a good summer too! Let me know where you all went.

•☆.•*´¨`*••♥ Good Vibes Everyone! ♥••*´¨`*•.☆•

When was the last time you visited far away relatives? How did it feel when you saw your relatives after a long long time? Did you stay in a hotel or you were a houseguest? What food did they serve you? Did you enjoy your trip? When will you plan on going back?

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